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7 Ways to Milk Your Media Coverage Get the most out of your publicity, long after you've left the spotlight.

Congratulations! You've just grabbed the media'sattention with an intriguing press release; now you're on your wayto achieving your public relations goals.

But don't stop here. There's lots more you can do afteryou've received media coverage. Here are some ways tocapitalize on this great exposure:

1. Put a link to the story on your website. If youhaven't already, place a section on your website called"Press," or "Media," and include the link there(the media outlet generally has the story on their website). Or,you can include this information in your "About Us"section. Here's why it's important to include thisinformation on your site:

  • People are busy and may miss the story when it originally comesout; this way, it's available to everyone all the time.
  • It allows other media outlets to learn about you and considerfeaturing you in other stories.
  • This coverage continually increases your credibility andreputation.

You can also include it in your newsletter or e-mail your houselist with the link to the story. Most clients, prospects andfriends are happy to read the good news that you've receivedmedia coverage.

As you may know, it's illegal to reprint the story on yourwebsite unless you get permission from the media outlet. That'swhy I suggest a link. If there's no link available, and youwant to include the story, you'll need to get permission fromthe media outlet.

2. Include media coverage in your printed marketingmaterials. A while back, I walked into a vendor's officeand was given a very thick folder of information about his company,including copies of media coverage he had received. Was Iimpressed? You bet--not only as a PR person but as a potentialclient. I knew that if the company had received that much positivemedia coverage, it was most likely a reputable company.

3. Frame your great media coverage for others to see.Almost every restaurant frames a (good) review and hangs it upproudly for others to see. Some businesses also do that, but notenough. If you have an office that others visit, they'll beimpressed by a story or stories about your business. And one morething: Get it framed and printed by an expert. Don't do ityourself--it's worth the small cost to have the story look asprofessional as possible.

4. Mention it to others. The next time someone asks howyou're doing, or what's new, you'll have a greatanswer: "I'm doing great because my company was justcovered in XYZ."

Here are some other ways you can tell others about it:

  • During introductions in a professional association meeting
  • In "leads" groups
  • In your introduction by the group's presenter, ifyou're speaking to a group
  • In speeches, if you can work it into the speech

5. Send it to your local newspaper. If you'vereceived coverage from a national media outlet, chances are yourlocal newspaper--especially the business section--will beinterested in the story.

6. Send it to your alumni magazine. Most college alumnimagazines have small staffs and are eager for information onalumni. Sending your article to the alumni magazine may garner youeither a small article or could result in the magazine doing alarger feature on your business. There's a double bonus here:If you get published in the alumni magazine, you're likely tohear from some long-lost friends, as well as get contacted by somepotential (alumni) clients.

7. Send it to your hometown newspaper. While you may havemoved to another place, the fact that you once lived or worked inan area gives you a local tie-in. Again, the newspaper may brieflymention you, or decide to do a larger piece. And, it can alsoconnect you to old friends and new prospects!

Remember: Publicity is a gift that keeps on giving, and manybenefits of publicity coverage can come well after the initialmedia coverage. Sure, it may take a little extra work on your part,but once you've maximized your PR coverage, you can count ongetting more business.

Margie Fisher, president of Zable Fisher Public Relations, isthe author of the Do-It-Yourself Public Relations Kit. Formore information on her kit and PRactical PR newsletter,visit

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