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From Idea to Revenue: A Six-Step Formula to Launching a Six-Figure Business Interested in launching an online business? It may seem easy, but it's harder than you think.

By Jessica O'Connell

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

If you're like most entrepreneurs, you may have tried to launch a product or service without a well-defined plan. You may have tried throwing every marketing strategy at your customer base, hoping something would stick. When your audience doesn't buy as you anticipated, you recoil. You don't follow through; no sales come in, you pretend it never happened. A few months later, another idea will strike, and you try again with similar results.

So, what makes successful launches different?

First, successful launchers build their audience around their expertise. They don't jump from topic to topic at the whim of their audience. Rather, they take a stand for something. Second, they engage their audience before they launch around their expertise. Finally, they follow a formula during their launch, and they always see it through.

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