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What It's Like Inside Zola Every day is the big day at the wedding-planning company's HQ.

By Hayden Field

This story appears in the April 2020 issue of Entrepreneur. Subscribe »

Adam Friedberg

Diamonds may be forever, but so are the stressful memories that come with planning a couple's big day. Zola promises to fix that. The New York–based company, which has raised $140 million since its 2013 launch, offers a host of wedding tools in one place, including registries, websites, invitations, and a soon-to-launch honeymoon-planning product. All that growth (headcount increased by 50 percent in 2019) required larger digs, so the startup moved into a new space in downtown Manhattan last year. Zola's headquarters now boasts a registry product showroom, a wellness space, countless fresh flowers, and plenty of shared spaces where engineers, product managers, designers, and customer service reps connect to discuss their one shared goal: making wedding planning as delightful as the wedding itself.

Will Tso / senior product manager, wedding planning tools

"I've worked at some really intense places, and the great thing about Zola is that there are really smart, sharp people, but everyone is also genuinely kind. One of our fellow product managers got a concussion recently, and our team got her a football helmet and signed it. I haven't seen those sorts of little moments working anywhere else."

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