Management - Page 3

Want to be an effective leader? You have to understand how to manage your team. Learn everything you need to know here.

Side Hustle

Should You Tell Your Employer About Your Side Hustle? This One Non-Negotiable Step Will Reveal the Answer, Expert Says.

By definition, a side hustle takes place in addition to (and likely completely outside of) a 9-5 — but that doesn't always mean it should stay a secret.


Should Boeing's CEO Get a 45% Pay Raise for a 45% Failure? Inside His Controversial $32.8 Million Pay Package.

Boeing CEO David Calhoun's leadership has resulted in financial struggles and dissatisfied workers — and a proposed $32.8 million pay package as he walks out the door.


Is Selling Your Business the Only Way Out of Burnout? Here Are Five Alternatives to Consider Instead.

When you're burning out as an entrepreneur or business owner, it can feel like selling your business to an outside buyer is your only escape — but I'm here to tell you there are other options. Here are a few to consider if you're unsure about handing over the reins.

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Starting a Business

The Scrappy Origin Story of Toast, the Game-Changing Restaurant Tech Company

Toast CEO and co-founder Aman Narang discusses the company's humble beginnings, their culture of scrappiness, and how they've transformed the way that restaurants do business.


The Gen Z Takeover — How to Empower the Next Generation of Leaders

The four Es that are mediating the Gen Z takeover.


5 Ways to Get Ahead of Your Competition by Making a Lasting Impression on Your Clients

No matter what kind of entrepreneur you are, no matter what kind of business you have, there are likely lots (and lots) of others who do the same thing you do. That's why it's so important to differentiate yourself from your competition in any and all ways that you can.


Are You a Visionary Leader? Here's How to Tell (and What You Can Do to Become One)

What the world needs now is leaders who think differently. How do you stack up?


I've Negotiated High-Pressure, Multi-Million-Dollar Deals for Artists Like Bruno Mars and Enrique Iglesias — Here's the Strategy That Always Helps Me Win

Lylette Pizarro, founder and co-managing partner of Influence Media Partners, reveals what it takes to succeed in the dynamic music industry and beyond.


Firing a Long-Term Employee is Hard — But It's Necessary. Here's Why.

If you have an employee who has been with you for years, they are often "rock star" performers. But, there are times when your long-termers can become bad performers over time.


Joining Boards Early in Your Career Can Change Your Trajectory for the Better — Here's How to Harness Their Power.

Sitting on boards of corporations, educational institutions and community organizations can help entrepreneurs build their networks, expand their skill sets and share their professional expertise — just like it did for me. Here are a few factors to consider before joining a new board.


How to Ensure High-Quality Patent Filings — 5 Key Steps for Portfolio Managers

Portfolio managers face challenges in selecting drafters who balance cost with quality, amidst complex patent jargon. This article aims to make it easier for portfolio managers to get the quality applications drafted.


A Leadership Shortage Is Coming. Here's What Needs to Happen to Prevent It.

Pay bumps and fancy titles are no longer enough to entice top talent. Management can be a headache and organizations need to make changes. Otherwise, there won't be anyone left to lead. Here's what needs to be done.


A Whole Foods Customer Told the Company's Founder: 'You're Just Not a Good CEO' — Here Was His Response

John Mackey has been doing things differently for a long time, and this is what he's learned.


Why Women's Entrepreneurship is Booming Right Now

Women's entrepreneurship has taken some substantial leaps forward in the last few years.