Sarah Jackson

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Business News

Mark Zuckerberg Announces 'Big AI News'

"We believe Meta AI is now the most intelligent AI assistant that you can freely use," CEO Mark Zuckerberg said.

Business News

Apple Is Reportedly Working on Prototypes for at Least 2 Foldable iPhones

Apple has been looking into foldable devices for years.

Business News

Mark Zuckerberg's Daily Routine: The Schedule of the Meta CEO Who Wears the Same Thing Every Day and Trains with MMA Fighters

Zuckerberg traded running for MMA. Here's more on how Facebook's founder spends his days.

Business News

Tim Cook's Daily Routine: The Schedule of the Apple CEO Who Wakes Up at 3:45 a.m. and Reads Hundreds of Customer Emails a Day

In meetings, he reportedly has no problem "sitting in silence" until he gets a suitable answer.

Business News

Las Vegas' Sphere Is the Latest High-Tech Concert Venue Everyone Is Talking About

The Sphere is the brainchild of (and largely paid for by) billionaire James Dolan, the CEO of the Madison Square Garden Company.

Business News

Inside the Life and Career of Jeff Bezos, the Tech CEO Who Founded Amazon

Everything to know about Jeff Bezos, from high school in Miami to flying in space with Blue Origin.

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