Shubhangi Goel

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Business News

A Software Engineer Worked at Tesla, SAP, and Salesforce. Here's How He Negotiated His Salary, Including a $520,000 Meta Offer.

He job hopped "quite a bit," but he used every switch, including a layoff, to land a better role with more pay.

Business News

A Software Engineer Shares the Résumé He's Used Since College That Got Him a $500,000 Job at Meta — Plus Offers at TikTok and LinkedIn

In 2021, he applied to Meta after learning about the company's "crazy" pay packages on tech forums.

Business News

I Was Poached and Then Laid Off 60 Days Later. I Was Embarrassed to Talk About It, but Doing So Helped Me Get My Next Job.

Posting on LinkedIn about being let go helped lead to new connections and, ultimately, a new job.

Business News

The Accountant Shortage Is So Bad That It's Delaying Key Reports at Companies Like Tupperware

Accountant staffing issues are becoming an operational headache with no signs of abating.

Business News

An Engineer Who Landed a $300,000 Job at Google Shares the Résumé that Got Him in the Door — and 3 Things He'd Change on It Today

Gaba now works in Google's Seattle office as a software engineer. He has received offers from Meta, Amazon, and Uber.

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