Wendy Jordanov


Wendy Jordanov is co-founder & COO of Soli Pillow, a company that creates wellness products designed to reduce stress and improve sleep. She earned a PhD in Educational Psychology and Research and studies ways to improve well-being. Jordanov is also a co-founder of Huggaroo.

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How to Transform Your Daily Shower Into a Mindful Experience

Instead of rushing through your daily shower, use this routine to lower your stress, renew your energy and increase your productivity.

Estilo de vida

Cómo transformar tu ducha diaria en una experiencia consciente

En lugar de apresurarse en su ducha diaria, use esta rutina para reducir su estrés, renovar su energía y aumentar su productividad.

Health & Wellness

How To Reduce Stress

Learn to lighten the weight of a long year with these simple tips.

Estilo de vida

Cómo reducir el estrés

Aprenda a aligerar el peso de un año largo con estos sencillos consejos.