Inspiration: Page 7


9 Princess Diana Quotes to Inspire You to Be a Better Person

The 'People's Princess' used her power and popularity to help others.

Growth Strategies

Stop Allowing The Judgement Of Others To Define You

"We must continue to make our own choices, and we must define who we are and who we are not."

Growth Strategies

Time To Dream Again: Musings On Entrepreneurship

If you've got something that motivates you to work towards your goals, try to also build happiness around it, as it makes the process more enjoyable.

Growth Strategies

Staying Power: Acknowledging Commitment (And Follow-Through) Is Just As Important As Meeting Targets

"At the end of the day, progress is progress, no matter how small."

Growing a Business

I'm a Keynote Speaker on Suicide Prevention. When I Feel Like Quitting, I Reach for This File.

Do you have a place where you keep positive feedback? Mine keeps me going when I want to give up.

Growth Strategies

Entrepreneur, Adventurer, And Retired Professional Triathlete Omar Nour On Aiming As High As Humanly Possible

By breaking down some of the most significant moments in his life, Nour delves deep into how his career as the first Egyptian professional triathlete in history opened doors to different business opportunities.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Start the Year Off Right

It's a time of new beginnings for not only your business, but you, too.

Growth Strategies

The Year That Was: Reflections 2021

Our hope is that these insights from a variety of voices in the MENA business ecosystem will both inform and inspire you to engage in some active reflection of your own, and then use it to manifest your dreams for 2022.

Growth Strategies

The Audacity Of Hope

"The answer to hope is sometimes so close that if we just hang on a little bit more, we'll get what we're after."

Thought Leaders

7 Authors Sharing New Ways to Reach Age-Old Success

Success isn't just for the lucky. It's for anyone with drive and the spirit to learn. Get the kick-in-the-pants inspiration you've been missing with these seven great new reads.

Growing a Business

If This Guy Could Make a Portrait Out of Toast, I Can Do Anything

Sometimes keeping other people's weird accomplishments in sight helps to keep our own aspirations in perspective.


Working With Mother Teresa, She Was Inspired by Older People's Compassion. So She Started a Caregiving Business That Hires Them.

Kiran Yocom started franchise Seniors Helping Seniors because she felt there was no one better equipped to do the job.


7 Lasting Lessons I Learned from Steve Jobs, 10 Years After His Passing

It's been 10 years since the passing of iconic business legend and visionary Steve Jobs. Here's what I learned from him.


5 Reasons Why Every Leader Should Run a Marathon

When you have achieved a big goal it helps you support others to do the same.