Sherin Shibu: Page 9

Entrepreneur Staff
News Reporter

Sherin Shibu is a business news reporter at She previously worked for PCMag, Business Insider, The Messenger, and ZDNET as a reporter and copyeditor. Her areas of coverage encompass tech, business, strategy, finance, and even space. She is a Columbia University graduate.

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A First-of-Its-Kind Flamethrower Robot Dog That Blasts 30-Foot Flames Is Now Available to the Public

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AI Is Transforming Drug Matching for Cancer, Rare Diseases — Here's How

One AI pharmaceutical startup works backward, starting from drugs already on the market.

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Elon Musk Tells Investors Cheaper Tesla Electric Cars Should Arrive Ahead of Schedule

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A New AI Chatbot Is Revolutionizing Business School Curriculum and Accreditation — Here's What It Could Change

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