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How To Get the Most Out of Your To-Do List Accomplish more each day with these time-management tips.

By Brian Tracy

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

To effectively manage time is to set your priorities in order and get more results and achieve more. By viewing your time as an expendable resource, which you have a limited amount of, you can maximize how much you get done in a day.

In this video from Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy, Tracy recommends organizing tasks by priority beginning with the task that could yield the biggest consequences. This management tip to "eat that frog," or complete the biggest task first, not only helps set the tone of your tasks for the day but is a great deterrent from procrastination. By eating the biggest task -- or "frog" -- first, the other remaining tasks -- or "tadpoles" -- on your list can be prioritized by importance and accomplished with ease.

Tracy recommends also trusting in your personal, mental grit. Drive yourself to complete the top priorities on your list by putting your head down and powering through. An important remider is use this willpower to complete the most important "A" tasks on your list, first. Mental strength and persistance will help you see the results you want out of a set amount of time.

Click the video to learn more from Tracy about managing your time.

Related: 9 Life-Changing Habits That Can Lead to Success

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Brian Tracy

Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, Speaker and Author

Brian Tracy is chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International. He is the leading coach on the topics of leadership, self-esteem, goals and success psychology. Learn more at

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