Melissa Malamut

Entrepreneur Staff

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Business News

An Outpost of a Popular Buffet Chain Has Racked Up Tens of Millions of Views on Social Media. Here's How It Keeps Going Viral.

The Bronx Golden Corral is a family-run franchise with three sibling managers running the show.

Thought Leaders

'I Get a Win Now, It's On Email': Dwyane Wade Talks Trading Basketball For Business And How He Stays Motivated

Ahead of his induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame, NBA superstar Dwyane Wade tells Entrepreneur about his retirement, entrepreneurship, and how to learn from your losses.

Business News

'Hire the Best People and Then Get Out of Their Way': Good American CEO and 'Shark Tank' Star Emma Grede Talks Management, Navigating Outside Noise, and Why You Should Always Stick to Your Mission

"There are a lot of people who have great ideas," Grede says. "There are only a few who can take an idea and turn it into a $100 million business."

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Watch This Tense 4-Minute Bidding War for Sylvester Stallone's Prized Watch — Ending in Purchase of Over $5 Million

Stallone's collection of rare watches went up for auction through Sotheby's on Wednesday.

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Elon Musk's Proposed $56 Billion Pay Package Is 'Obviously Not About the Money,' Writes Tesla Chair

Tesla's chairperson of the board of directors sent a letter to Tesla shareholders, warning them that the company could lose Elon's attention if they don't approve his pay package.

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These Are the Most Affordable U.S. Cities for Dining Out

A new study shined the spotlight on three southern locales for cheap eats.

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Jack Dorsey Says Social Media Has an Algorithm Problem, and Elon Musk Agrees: 'We Are Being Programmed'

"The public square cannot be owned by one company," Dorsey said. "The public square, by default, is the Internet."

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Adobe Photoshop Users Are Outraged at the Company's New Terms: 'Am I Reading This Right?'

Adobe's new terms and conditions have creatives in an uproar.

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