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Stay Energized When Selling Everyone gets burned out at times, but you can take steps to recharge.

By Barry Farber

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Tired? Depressed? Lost that energy and spark you had in your business? Feel like you've been spinning your wheels? We all feel that way sometimes. We all want to be excited about what we do and how we feel every day, but sometimes we get overwhelmed by our work and forget the reasons we started a business in the first place. Here are seven ways to make sure you stay energized and don't burn out.

1. Break out of your network.When you keep selling to the same old accounts, it not only can jeopardize your business with lack of new activity, but it can also become dull and mundane. Stepping out of your comfort zone and meeting new people can infuse you with fresh ideas and other ways to view your business.

2. Renew your goals.Goals help us focus and give us something to look forward to. When you have a fresh set of activities in front of you to accomplish, it keeps you moving and energized.

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