James Stephenson

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Thought Leaders

25 Common Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

Do you have what it takes to get through hard times? Here are the traits that help home-based business owners thrive.

Thought Leaders

9 Ideas for Teen Businesses

If you want to earn your own money, but are too young to take a part-time job or would prefer to be your own boss, these ideas will help you get a business started.

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Get Your After-School Business Started!

Not willing to go the minimum-wage route? Start your own business, and learn what it's like to be your own boss.

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Starting a Service Business

You have skills, knowledge and experience. Here's how to turn those assets into a thriving business.

Business Ideas

Start a Service Business

Everyone has skills, knowledge and experience--and anyone can turn those assets into a thriving business.

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Money Management Basics

Before you start making money, you have to figure out how to manage it. Our in-depth guide has everything you need.

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