John Shinal

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Social Media

How Social Media Startup Wildfire Was Bought By Google for $250 Million

The acquisition is the latest in a string of social media marketing companies being bought by large tech giants.

Business News

With a Dazzling Display, the New iPad Will Be Attractive for Many Business Owners

The latest iteration of Apple's popular tablet comes with a swath of new features that can be handy for business.

Starting a Business

How Gowalla, Still in Startup Mode, Changed Direction -- Fast

With Foursquare fast gaining ground, the location-service startup made difficult changes to its business model. What entrepreneurs can learn from the young company's pivot.


Apple's iPhone 4S Announcement Disappoints

The unveiling of its newest iPhone on Tuesday disappointed some who were looking for a major technology upgrade for the device.

Social Media

Facebook Offers Newbies a Step-by-Step Guide

New guide is a big help for business owners new to the popular social network, but trial and error will still be required.

Science & Technology

Startup Strives to Make Customer Service a More 'Zen' Experience

How three immigrant entrepreneurs found U.S. success in launching Zendesk.

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