Kerry Chen

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Chairman of the Board & CEO of ATRenew, Inc.

Kerry is the CEO of ATRenew, the leading pre-owned consumer electronics transactions and services platform. ATRenew is on a mission to give a second life to all idle goods by facilitating recycling and trade-in services, and distributing the devices to prolong their lifecycle.

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How to Go Green

3 Ways We Can Help Eliminate Waste by Creating a Circular Economy

Circularity, a practice to reduce e-waste, drives humankind's quest for a circular economy and reshapes sustainable resource use.


How to Reduce E-waste and Promote Repurpose in Your Business

Entrepreneurs can make a massive impact on sustainability by employing the right practices

Green Entrepreneur®

How Businesses Can Empower Consumers to Make Sustainable Choices

Entrepreneurs and executives can significantly influence consumer behavior towards sustainability with the right approach.

Green Entrepreneur®

Save The Planet — and Your Dollars — By Making Your Office Gadgets Greener. Here's How.

Millions of offices around the globe need to rethink their use of electronics.

Science & Technology

3 Things Businesses Should Remember When Handling Used Consumer Electronics

Most businesses rely on electronic equipment, but not enough know how to handle and dispose of it properly.

Green Entrepreneur®

How the Circular Economy of Consumer Electronics Can Change Sustainability

Promoting the circular economy offers major sustainability benefits, but requires global collaboration across various industries.

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