Serban Enache

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
CEO of

Bucharest-based Serban Enache is the CEO and co-owner of, one of the largest stock photo communities in the world. He previoiusly co-founded Archiweb.

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Business Process

AI-Generated Images or Stock Photography? Here's How Entrepreneurs Can Navigate the Dynamic Photography Industry

Entrepreneurs eyeing long-term financial gains find stock photography, a $4 billion market in 2023, enticing. Yet, AI's rise prompts a shift from cameras to algorithms.

Social Media

What You Should Be Looking at in Potential Hires' Social Media Posts

Many companies screen candidates on social media. Here's what you need to be paying attention to.


3 Ways to Use Images to Elevate Your Business

Photos are an important part of building a brand, but picking the right photos can pose a consistent challenge.


4 Simple, Effective Head Shot Photography Tips

Professionals need a proper portrait for a variety of marketing materials. Here's how to make yours stand out.

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