Amishi Mehta


Amishi Mehta dons many hats. She is an empowerment and success Business coach & consultant, corporate trainer, life coach, speaker, author, entrepreneur. Has 17 plus years of experience, with 30,000 hours of coaching done, helped business owners, corporates, achieve business & personal success, worked with business owners and their leadership teams of more than 43 countries.

She is a transformational, innovative and pragmatic coach. She connects with her audience easily and makes them feel comfortable from the get-go. Her energy and positivity are transcendent. The herculean challenges that she has personally and professionally endured help her resonate with the challenges of others and has helped find her true potential in life and in Business. Now she helps empower people to be the best versions of themselves and achieve success at work, in life and in business through her CXO coaching, executive coaching, seminars, training, business consulting and with the spoken and the written word. She believes in “Turning struggles into Success!”

Her Mission is to:

Empower people to be the best versions of themselves by increasing their self-worth personally & net-worth professionally. 


Starting a Business

10 Fantasies Vs. Realities of Entrepreneurship

Life of a businessman may look glossy but it is full of hardships,let's have an insight view of it


10 Reasons Why Failure Teaches Us More Than Success

It teaches us the value of everything


11 Reasons Why Some People Are More Successful Than The Others

Learn about how they got there. How hard they had to work to get there. What do successful people do?

Growth Strategies

Six Ways to Create and Build a Successful Company Culture

Creating and building the right Company Culture gives the clients/prospective and current employees, stakeholders, suppliers a blue print to the Company

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