Cyrus Claffey: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Founder of ButterflyMX

Cyrus Claffey is the founder of ButterflyMX, a proptech company focused on smartphone-enabled property access. Claffey has been developing and implementing real estate technologies for more than 15 years. He currently works with some of the largest names in multifamily and CRE.

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Latest: Page 2

Starting a Business

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Founding My Own Company

It's nearly impossible to know everything before starting a company, but here are five essentials I wish I knew before founding my own.

Growing a Business

Want to Expand Your Product's Reach? Here's How Third-Party Software Integrations Can Help.

Unlock an entire world of possibilities with third-party integrations.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Tell If Your Company Should Start Offering a New Product

Expanding your company is an exciting step, but consider these questions before taking that next leap.

Science & Technology

5 Myths About Technology the Real Estate Industry Must Bust

Adopting technologies is one of the most overlooked ways to gain a competitive advantage in real estate. Now is the time to bust the top tech myths.

Starting a Business

5 Factors to Consider When Deciding If Your Company Needs an Office

For a variety of businesses - especially software as a service and other tech-based structures - it's worth asking whether a shared space is still relevant and profitable.

Iniciar un negocio

5 factores a tener en cuenta a la hora de decidir si tu empresa necesita una oficina

Para una variedad de empresas, especialmente software como servicio y otras estructuras basadas en tecnología, vale la pena preguntarse si un espacio compartido sigue siendo relevante y rentable.