Emily Reynolds Bergh: Page 4

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Founder at R Public Relations Firm

Emily Reynolds Bergh — vintage-shoe hoarder, cycling junkie, & lover of pink drinks — is a marketing & PR pro with 15+ years of experience under her belt. Now the founder & owner of the award-winning R Public Relations based in New York, she’s been featured in numerous publications & podcasts.

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Latest: Page 4


Me convertí en una emprendedor exitosa por accidente. Aquí te comparto 5 errores que debes de evitar al iniciar un negocio

Las relaciones públicas son, en esencia, contar historias. Y la historia de mi ahora próspero negocio ha estado plagada tanto de errores como de éxitos. Es de mis errores, de hecho, que aprendí, incluso más que de mis triunfos y este artículo presenta cinco de mis mayores errores de camino hacia una pequeña empresa floreciente.

Starting a Business

I Accidentally Became a Successful Entrepreneur. Here Are 5 Mistakes I Learned to Avoid When Starting a Business

PR is, at its core, storytelling. And the story of my now-thriving solo-owned business has been fraught with as many mistakes as successes, as many fall down the ladder as steps up. It's from my missteps, in fact, that I learned even more than from my triumphs, and this article presents 5 of my biggest blunders on the road to a flourishing small business.