John Rampton: Page 17

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Entrepreneur and Connector

John Rampton is an entrepreneur, investor and startup enthusiast. He is the founder of the calendar productivity tool Calendar.

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Latest: Page 17


How to Manage Your Team's Calendar During the Holidays

Ample time off at the holidays is good for morale and manageable with planning.

Starting a Business

6 Simple Ways Founders Can Inspire Their First Employees

Treat everyone with respect, from the chairman of the board to the part-time maintenance worker.


Why Scheduling Beats Hustling Every Time

Unless you're a pinball frantically staying in motion without a plan will accomplish nothing.


Why People Who Schedule Fewer Tasks Get More Done

Your calendar becomes much more manageable when you stop filling it up with tasks you could delegate or automate.


10 Ways to Begin Teaching Your Toddler Business Skills

Life skills are business skills.


25 Tips to Network With Top CEOs

Successful CEOs know their success depends in part on meeting new people who bring value.