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Elon Musk's X Finally Has a Domain That Matches Its Name

Musk bought the domain from PayPal years before buying then-Twitter.

Business News

How Google CEO Sundar Pichai Shook Up His Leadership Team for the AI Era

Pichai now has 18 direct reports, according to an internal org chart.

Business News

These Are the 10 Most Profitable Cities for Airbnb Hosts, According to a New Report

Here's where Airbnb property owners and hosts are making the most money.

Business News

Samsung's New Ad Pokes Fun at Apple's Controversial 'Crush' Ad

Creative universes overlap in a new ad from Samsung.

Business News

An Ohio Pub Is Going Viral for Its 'No Exceptions' Door Policy — Here's Why

Only people of a certain age can grab a drink on a Friday or Saturday night at Donerick's Pub in Ohio.

Business News

Dell Is Labeling Hybrid Employees With 'Red Flags' Based on How Often They're in the Office

Dell will consider the frequency of employee badge swipes when it determines how hybrid employees are reviewed, rewarded, and compensated.

Business News

Warren Buffett Finally Reveals What Mystery Company Got a $6.7 Billion Investment from Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway purchased over 26 million shares of the insurance giant, Chubb.

Business News

5 Ways Contracts Are an Entrepreneur's Best Friend

Contracts are not a substitute for trust, they are the basis for trust.