Marketing - Page 5

Your marketing strategy can make or break your business. Here, discover tips for success when it comes to brand identity, customer engagement, social media presence and more.

Side Hustle

These Coworkers-Turned-Friends Started a Side Hustle on Amazon — Now It's a 'Full Hustle' Earning Over $20 Million a Year: 'Jump in With Both Feet'

Achal Patel and Russell Gong met at a large consulting firm and "bonded over a shared vision to create a mission-led company."

Growing a Business

'A Surprise Around Every Corner' How This Iconic Bookstore's Innovative Mix of New and Used Books Keeps Book Hunters Coming Back for More.

Here's how Powell's City of Books used its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility to create a landmark of literary passion.

Social Media

Here's How I Determine If I'm Getting Value Out of X (and How You Can, Too)

Don't let low-value accounts and promotional material bog down your time on X (formerly Twitter). Here are some strategies to curate content, engage with quality people and maximize your time.

Business Solutions

AI Might Know What You Are Feeling Before You Even Do — Here's How AI Can Help Us With Client Feedback

Adopting artificial intelligence tools means we are not just reacting to feedback; we are staying ahead of it. How AI Can Help Us Understand Client Feedback

More Posts on Marketing


How to Combine Your Online Marketing Tacts With In-Person Marketing

Here's how to combine offline and online marketing approaches for a better outcome for your business.

Growing a Business

This CEO Shares 4 Highly Effective Ways to Promote and Scale Your Small to Medium-Sized Business

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to promoting businesses, but there are strategies that can be used based on a business's unique needs. This CEO shares four effective and practical ways to promote SMBs.


Why We Need to Create Brands That Align Our Purpose, Personality and Practice

Now more than ever — because consumers find an irrational amount of meaning in the brands they trust — awakened brands have the ability to change the world.


I Produce Many Large In-Person Events — Using a Very Small Budget. Here's How I Do It.

In-person events can be a great way for small businesses to grow their brands, make money and build and strengthen relationships.

Growing a Business

Future-Proofing Your Business — 5 Strategies for Sustainable Growth in Times of Change

Key strategies for marketing and advertising agency leaders to navigate the rapid pace of technological and market changes, ensuring survival and growth.


Studies Show Women Need Each Other's Support to Reach Maximum Success — and I've Experienced This Firsthand. Here's How.

Research shows women who have a close knit group of women to lean on make more money, get access to coveted opportunities and overall experience greater success in their careers. Reflecting on these findings has prompted me to share insights into how I manage my own women's network and how we empower one another to achieve remarkable growth personally and professionally.

Starting a Business

Ask Co-Founder of Netflix Marc Randolph Anything: How to Watch

How to watch the new live streaming episode of 'Ask Marc' on May 9th at 2 PM ET.


What I Learned From Spending $5.9 Million on Marketing Last Year

Road-tested tips to 6X your revenue per lead, double your social media leads and increase sales conversations. I know because I lived it!


4 Ways Brands Can Use Influencers for Better Sales This Summer

The power of influencer marketing is unquestionable. It is projected to hit around $21 billion in 2024 and is no longer optional but inevitable for brands aiming to grow and capture new audiences.

Starting a Business

This Mother and Daughter Were 'Kind of Fringe Weirdos' When They Started an Uncommon Business in Their Garage. Now They're in Major Retailers — and Victoria Beckham Is a Fan.

Jenefer and Melissa Palmer's slow-and-steady approach to growth helped their skincare and body care brand OSEA thrive over decades — but lately they've been taking things up a notch.