Social Media - Page 6

From Facebook and Twitter to Instagram and TikTok, the are unlimited business opportunities on social media. Discover the latest news in social media, here.

Business News

Taylor Swift Just Filed a Trademark That Could Mean Even More Sales: 'I'm So Into This'

The singer-songwriter's Nashville-based LLC TAS Rights Management filed to trademark the term "TAYLOR-CON" with the U.S. Patent Office this week.

Science & Technology

AI-Powered Digital Marketing Raises Concerns Over User Privacy and Job Loss. But Mari Smith Says It's Not All Doom and Gloom.

Renowned social media thought leader Mari Smith, dubbed the "Facebook Queen," discusses the fascinating and frightening controversies surrounding the utilization of AI in marketing.

More Posts on Social Media

Business News

TikTok Users Just Lost Access to Music From Taylor Swift, Rihanna and More Amid an AI-Inflamed Clash — Here's What Happened

Universal Music Group has not renewed its licensing agreement with TikTok, citing insufficient compensation for artists and songwriters.

Business News

This Simple Personal Finance Hack Started as a Joke — But It's Actually Helping People Save Money, Experts Say

Turns out, the trend that gained traction on TikTok could get you closer to your financial goals.

Social Media

Social Media Strategies to Get More Followers and Sell More Products

Entrepreneur's VP of Social Media Sana Ali shares tricks and strategies you can use to supercharge your social media efforts and boost your business.

Social Media

How to Own Your Online Narrative — Even When the Internet Owns You

People depend on the internet for answers, but controlling the information online about you can be difficult. Here's how to own your narrative when the internet owns you.

Business News

Don't Say This Word on a Cruise Ship, Warns a Passenger Whose Major Faux Pas Shocked Other Travelers and Crew

TikTok influencer Marc Sebastian learned the hard way that some words are better left on the shore.

Business News

Boomers and Gen X Are the Most Devoted Customers on This Popular Shopping App — And They Might Be Getting Played Because of Their Age

Chinese e-commerce platform Temu, which launched in the U.S. in 2022, remains a hit despite consumer complaints.


How to Leverage Short-Form Content to Boost Your App Downloads — 5 Proven Strategies

Mastering short-form content is crucial for your app's growth. Here are five ways you can leverage it to get more app downloads.

Social Media

Tired of Trolls? Here's Why Creators and Businesses Are Doubling Down on Private Online Communities.

As public online spaces deteriorate, finding new ways to build authentic community is becoming more important than ever.


3 Ways to Personalize Your Marketing for Higher Engagement

Use these three key tips to successfully incorporate personalization into your marketing.


What is Google Saying? Why a Positive Brand Reputation Online is So Important

Learn the many reasons why a positive online reputation is essential and what your business can do to take control of your online image.

Operations & Logistics

5 Innovative PR Strategies to Boost Your Brand in 2024

Let this year be where your brand's story becomes not just told but celebrated.