Business Ideas - Page 7

On the hunt for the next great business idea? Whether you're looking for small business ideas or home business ideas, get inspired and find what works for you.

Side Hustle

4 Simple Mistakes That Can Crush Your Creative Side Hustle, From an Expert Who Raised $45 Million to Support Independent Workers

Ben Huffman, CEO and co-founder of Contra, became a "power user" on Elance and Odesk (now Upwork) and realized freelancers needed more support.

Starting a Business

She Never Wanted to Start a Business, But Chronic Insomnia Was Motivation — Here's How She Achieved 8 Figures in Sales and 8 Hours of Sleep a Night

Dr. Kathrin Hamm, founder and CEO of sleep-wellness company Bearaby, wanted to find a solution for her sleeplessness — and the products on the market weren't cutting it.

Starting a Business

4 Vital Lessons This Tech Entrepreneur Learned To Build a $4 Billion Company

How Will Ahmed, the 34-year-old founder of WHOOP, outmaneuvered Nike, Google, and Fitbit in the wearable tech war.

Starting a Business

A Side Hustle Consultant Shares the Most Lucrative Gigs Right Now

Plus, he answers the side hustle questions he gets most often from clients.

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Side Hustle

Her 'Crude Prototype' and $50 Craigslist Purchase Launched a Side Hustle That Hit $1 Million in Sales — Now the Business Generates Up to $20 Million a Year

Elle Rowley experienced a "surge of creative inspiration" after she had her first baby in 2009 — and it wasn't long before she landed on a great idea.

Starting a Business

Why Notre Dame's Football Coach Tells His Team to "Choose Hard"

Notre Dame head coach Marcus Freeman discusses the powerful results that come when you push yourself to strive for greatness in all aspects of life.

Business Ideas

From $0 to $10 Million — Here's How to Build a Winning Prop Trading Team

Do you need to know what skill set is required to be a successful leader in one of the most rapidly changing niches in finance? This article sums up the recommendations of a "prop trading" pioneer.

Business Ideas

63 Small Business Ideas to Start in 2024

We put together a list of the best, most profitable small business ideas for entrepreneurs to pursue in 2024.

Starting a Business

After Her Unexpected Layoff, This Founder's Love of Fragrances and Self-Care Helped Her Cope. Now She's Disrupting the Fragrance Industry.

As she continues to grow and scale her company, here's the advice Brianna Arps, CEO and founder of MOODEAUX, has to share with other aspiring entrepreneurs as she continues to grow and scale her company.

Money & Finance

Struggling to Get a Bank Loan for Your Small Business? Try This Flexible Financing Option Instead.

Private capital is a non-traditional financing solution that offers fast access to capital, customized solutions and flexible terms.


If You Want to be Successful, Become a Better Speaker — Follow This 7-Step Process for Effective Speaking

Discover the transformative power of mastering presentation skills with this 7-step process.

Starting a Business

She Started a Side Hustle While Working 2 Jobs as a Line Cook for $22 an Hour Combined — Now It's an 8-Figure Brand You've Probably Seen on TV

Ellen Bennett, founder of kitchenware brand Hedley & Bennett, had a big idea in 2012 — and the "willpower and chutzpah" to bring it to life.

Starting a Business

How to Turn Your Side Hustle Into a Full Business While Working a 9-to-5, From 3 Founders Who Did It

These founders built legitimate businesses in their off-hours. And they all did it differently.

Side Hustle

I Made Over $400,000 From a Side Hustle on Top of My 6-Figure Salary Last Year. I Love Diversified Income — and This Game-Changing Money-Saver.

When Chisom Okwulehie learned she wouldn't receive a merit-based pay bump during the pandemic, she took matters into her own hands.

Starting a Business

Does Your Brand Look too Corporate, or Dated? See How These Brands Leveled Up Their Design.

We live in a time when brands are more visible and visual than ever. Here, six founders explain how they created brand design that stands out.