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5 Habits That Will Help You Leave Your 9-5 and Increase Your Income, According to a Former Nurse Who Did It

Katelynn Blackburn was tired of working 12-hour shifts and paying a full-time babysitter to care for her daughter.

Business News

3 Electronic Tech Stocks With Buy Signals This Week

The electronic tech industry is fueled by the growing popularity of smart devices providing convenience, growing IT spending, and rapid digitalization initiatives. Therefore, quality electronic tech stocks such as Universal...


One State's Bipartisan Bill Will Change the Franchise Industry — And Boost Responsible Franchising

The legislation aims to make franchise relationships stronger by giving potential franchisees more information.


Taking Breaks Doesn't Make You Lazy — Here Are 4 Ways It Actually Makes You More Productive

The more you find a balance between work and real life, the more the two will start to organically intertwine until you find your scheduling sweet spot. Here's how to find that right balance for you.

Making a Change

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Get lifetime access to more than 1,000 engaging courses on everything from business and finance to IT and iOS development, taught by experts in their own fields.

Business News

McDonald’s CEO releases public statement addressing price hikes

Joe Erlinger, President of McDonald’s USA, has released a statement rebuffing recent news and social media criticism about the food chain’s prices. In a post on the official McDonald’s site,...

Business News

Mass Ave Global and CEO charged for misleading investors

Mass Ave Global Inc. (MassAve) and its co-founder and CEO, Winston M. Feng, have been charged with misleading investors. The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged the investment advisors with...

Thought Leaders

10 TV Shows Every Entrepreneur Should Watch on Netflix

Have some free time on your hands? Get into one of these series.

Business News

Gatorade Capitalizes on '90s 'Is It In You?' Nostalgia With New Ad Campaign

The company's latest commercial features Michael Jordan, Caitlin Clark, and Jason Tatum.

Business News

This Is the Winning Formula for Starting a Successful Podcast, According to a New Analysis

A new study analyzed the top 50 podcasts in the U.S. and found many things in common. Here's what to know.

Business News

GPT-4 Is Better Than Humans at Financial Forecasting, New Study Shows

The findings could upend the financial services industry.


Why You Need a Customer Mission Statement if You Want a Successful Organization

Traditional mission statements focus on the company, not the customer. To create a more customer-centric organization, start with changing your mission statement by giving it an external focus.

Growing a Business

3 Effective Engagement Tactics to Help Small Businesses Create Authentic Connections With Customers

Enhance your customer experience and foster stronger customer relationships using these three strategies.