Celebrity Entrepreneurs - Page 7

In search of some celebrity entrepreneur inspiration? Learn from the likes of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and more, here.

Business News

Report: Meta Employees Ordered Back to Office as Company Shifts to 'In-Person Focus'

Some employees are reportedly being told that they must now work in-office three days a week.

Business News

Grimes, Who Once Banked $5.8 Million in 20 Minutes By Selling Crypto Art, Says She's Made More From NFTs Than From Her Entire Music Career

She recently offered to split 50% of royalties with anyone who made a song featuring her AI vocals.

Business News

Elon Musk's X Is Going to Find Out Where You Work and Another Very Personal Piece of Data — Here's Why

The company, formerly known as Twitter, made some changes to its privacy policy on Thursday.

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Business News

Tesla's Once-Secret 'Elon Mode' Is Being Investigated Amid a Surge in 'Autopilot' Crashes, Fatalities

The carmaker's driver assistance features still require monitoring and intervention — but some people had a way around it.

Business News

Inside the Life and Career of Jeff Bezos, the Tech CEO Who Founded Amazon

Everything to know about Jeff Bezos, from high school in Miami to flying in space with Blue Origin.

Social Media

Will All This Elon Musk-Fueled Tech Chaos Change Social Media?

Every new day seems to bring some unexpected changes to our social media feeds as big tech companies try to reinvent the wheel in a struggle to keep users engaged on their platforms.

Business News

Elon Musk Expresses Concern Over X's Future, Says It 'May Fail' Amid Turbulent Year

In late May, Fidelity estimated X's valuation at $15 billion, nearly a third of the $44 billion Musk paid for the platform in October 2022.

Business News

A Bombshell Report Found at Least 18 Brands' Ads Were Placed Next to a Verified Pro-Nazi X Account

Gilead Sciences and NCTA halted ad spending on X (formerly Twitter) because their ads were placed next to fascist content.

Business News

Elon Musk Accused of Deliberately Slowing Down Links to News Outlets and Competitors on X

Tests by major news outlets revealed approximate five-second delays when accessing targeted websites.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Elon Musk Learned This Strategy from Napoleon to Keep His Employees 'Motivated'

In a highly anticipated new biography by Walter Isaacson, Musk talks about how he applies the French leader's lessons to his business.

Business News

Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Laid Off 21,000 Employees. Now It's Reportedly Rehiring Many of Them Who Belong to This Group — Here's Why.

The company's hiring has "quietly picked up in certain areas," according to a recent report.

Social Media

'X' Is Auctioning Off Its Old Twitter HQ Items, Including a Bird Cage Hanging Swing

In a massive garage sale, Musk is pawning away all the old office furniture, memorabilia, and art.

Business News

'No Limit': Elon Musk Offers Financial Backing for Legal Battles Against Employer Discrimination on X

Tech mogul Elon Musk has made a striking commitment to cover legal expenses for individuals who have faced workplace discrimination due to their activity on X (formerly Twitter).