Real Estate - Page 4

Looking into real estate? Whether you're investing in commercial real estate or are a first-time homeowner, discover details on the real estate market, here.

Thought Leaders

When He Tried to Buy and Develop a Distressed Shopping Center in Baltimore, He Found an 80-Year-Old Legal Covenant That Banned Black Ownership. Here's What He Did Next.

Lyneir Richardson, co-founder and CEO of Chicago TREND Corporation, discusses the company's efforts to accelerate economic development in urban neighborhoods.

Business News

Some Lenders Are Offering 'Buy Now, Refinance Later At No Cost' Deals — But Is There a Catch?

Soaring mortgage rates have priced buyers out of the market, but some experts are saying to buy now and refinance later. Is it really that easy? Here's what to know.

Thought Leaders

6 Ways to Make Passive Income Through Rental Properties

Rental properties can help you earn passive income and even begin building generational wealth.

More Posts on Real Estate

Business News

Jeff Bezos Becomes His Own Neighbor, Purchases $78 Million Florida Mansion Next Door

The billionaire bought another house in the same Florida neighborhood in August.

Thought Leaders

4 Creative Real Estate Investing Strategies

Here are four real estate investing strategies to help landlords enhance their portfolios and achieve long-term growth and stability.

Business News

Rental Prices Plunge in the Bay Area and Sun Belt — See Where Prices Are Falling Across the U.S.

One-bedroom apartments in one California city experienced a substantial 7.2% drop in rent prices compared to the previous year.

Business News

Fake Property Manager Allegedly Defrauded Would-Be Renters Over $200,000

The real estate market is rough enough, and some scammers see it as a prime opportunity.

Business News

This State Just Replaced New York as the Country's Second Most Valuable Housing Market

A recent report by Zillow found that Florida has edged out New York as the second most valuable housing market in the U.S., while California is still No. 1.

Growing a Business

Want to Invest in a Rental Property? Do These 5 Things First.

Make informed decisions regarding your next rental property with these five essential tips.

Business News

'Cash Flow King' Podcast Host Slammed With Charges in $11 Million Ponzi Scheme

The SEC alleges that Matthew Motil "fraudulently targeted investors."

Thought Leaders

How to Determine How Much Real Estate Your Business Needs

Here are a few things to consider when choosing a location for your business.

Business News

He Won the $2 Billion Powerball Jackpot. Now He's Snatching Up Swanky Homes Across Los Angeles.

Thirty-one-year-old Edwin Castro took his winnings as a lump sum.

Business News

'Worst Investment Ever': The 'Brady Bunch House' Sells to Real-Estate Enthusiast for $3.2 Million

The famous Studio City, California residence known as "The Brady Bunch" house recently changed hands from television network HGTV to California resident Tina Trahan.