Melinda Newman

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Growing a Business

Why This New Form of Funding Has the Music Industry Amped Up

The music industry tests a new way to fund growth.


How the First Artist Bank Is Catering to Creatives

The new bank and app are proving that artistry and finance are not mutually exclusive.

Starting a Business

This Women's Shopping Service Brings the Stylist to Your Door

Stitch Fix will ship stylist-approved outfits to your door, based on your fashion profile and style preferences.


Why This Collaborative Platform for Musicians Is Drumming Up Big Bucks

Splice brings music and technology together in perfect harmony.

Thought Leaders

Meet the Universal Platform for Sharing Music allows users of subscription music services to share songs and playlists with listeners of other services, such as Spotify.


Meet the Company Creating Jobs for Former Gang Members

Homeboy Industries' mission is to create jobs for former L.A. gang members. Now with a forward-thinking CEO and high-profile licensing and distribution deals, Homeboy is taking good works to an even greater business level.

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