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Wireless Wandering You are now free to move around your company.

By Gene Koprowski

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Installing a second phone line in a small office can be a huge hassle. First, there's the price: It costs close to $1,500 to buy a new desktop station and add wiring. There's also the loss of mobility: You traditionally can't connect a cordless phone to multiline Centrex systems and thus remain tethered to your desk. For some lucky entrepreneurs, things are changing.

Siemens CommunicationDevices in Richardson, Texas, markets a cordless, multiuser phone system that enables entrepreneurs to wander around their offices with a cordless handset, leaving them free to oversee employee progress and remain available for customer calls. What's more, up to eight employees, using cordless handsets with their own extension numbers, can make calls on the wireless system.

Priced at $399, the Gigaset 2420 package includes one cordless handset and desk station. The system boasts such features as paging, speakerphone, caller ID and a caller directory. Additional handsets cost $125. The product is sold through the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog and retail stores in Beverly Hills, California; Chicago; and New York City.

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