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3 Ways to Boost Consulting Biz Sales Want to boost your consulting practice in the new year? Power up your sales and marketing programs by following 3 key steps.

By Kim T. Gordon

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Are you a consultant looking for the best way to build your practice in 2006? With the new year fast approaching, it's time to create a program that combines sales and marketing to get the bottom-line results you need.

Consultants thrive in every field imaginable. And whether you're a computer, wedding, nursing or agricultural consultant, it takes a lot more than a business card and an accompanying brochure or website to move your prospects through the sales cycle. Here are three steps you can take now to grow your practice in the new year:

1. Create sales support tools. Interpersonal relationships are at the heart of successful consulting, and sales tactics and techniques play as strong a role in building a consulting practice as marketing. It's essential to create a unified group of collateral materials that support the sales process and establish your company's image and marketing themes.

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