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Adopt These 3 Mindsets and You'll Become an Unstoppable Entrepreneur The first and biggest step toward getting rich eventually is to give up on getting rich quick.

By Kimanzi Constable Edited by Dan Bova

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Luis Alvarez | Getty Images

Despite the difficult circumstances that may happen in your life, there is always an opportunity to overcome them as you build your business. You became an entrepreneur because you're committed to living a different kind of lifestyle. You want true freedom in every area of your life. You want to create financial security and leave a legacy for your loved ones. You have a message, product or service you're convinced can help make other people's lives better in some way.

You can become an unstoppable entrepreneur who accomplishes all of these goals with some simple adjustments in your life. It doesn't take much to see sustainable results. When Sir Dave Brailsford took over the British cycling program, it had won a single gold medal in 76 years. It won seven out of 10 gold medals after a few years later of Brailsford's focus on making 1 percent improvements.

Related: The Power of 1 Percent Better

Here are three life hacks that will lead to explosive results in your business.

1. Don't let expert assistance make you dependent and helpless.

These days, we can get coaching, training, advice, strategy and consulting from anywhere in the world. The development of technology has allowed us an opportunity to hire experts, or purchase expert advice, with just a few clicks. No longer must you travel to an office to sit down with a professional. This has been amazing help for entrepreneurs looking for strategies to take their business to the next level. However, it can be a crutch.

When you hire a coach or consultant, you develop a mindset of waiting for permission. What you used to decide without hesitating now paralyzes you until you get their advice. While you should listen to expert advice that you've paid for, this is still your life and business. There are many situations when you need to make a decision and move forward no matter what.

Take the advice from experts, but don't become dependent on their every word, or helpless to move forward without their blessing. After all, they're human just like you. Add what they're giving you to the action you're already taking. Be confident in yourself and your abilities. Think of what they bring as an enhancement.

Related: Fight Overthinking, That Destroyer of Decision Making

2. There is no substitute for putting in the work.

If you spend any time on social media, you're inundated with ads about making six figures working a few hours a day living the entrepreneur lifestyle. You see programs advertised that promise to give you all the "super secret strategy" or the "one thing" you can do to create success. Human nature draws us to hacks that get us results quicker. You want that edge or secret to accomplish major achievements quickly, but that's not a reality.

While there are things you can do to grow quickly and get results, all of those things require you putting in the work. There is no shortcut that will allow you to skip the hard work it takes to grow a business. None of these ads talk about the 100 other steps that entrepreneur took to get those results. It would scare away all the lazy people if they did.

No matter what life hack you use, what expert advice you pay for or what opportunity you get to move forward quicker, you'll still need to put in the work. Fall in love with the process and the opportunity to work on your business. Make it your daily routine to show up and put in the behind-the-scenes work that builds a successful business.

Related: The Importance of 'Showing Up' Every Single Day

3. Consistently tell yourself a powerful story.

What we tell ourselves becomes our reality. When we convince ourselves that something is not possible, it becomes an ingrained belief that affects the action we take. What we think about the most and focus on becomes our daily reality. You've heard about mindset, but you'll never be successful if you don't fully understand how to harness its power.

Tell yourself better stories and do it every day. Tell yourself that you are unstoppable and can accomplish anything when you put in the work consistently. Fill your mind with blogs, articles, podcasts and videos that motivate and educate you. Stay away from low-energy people who want to drag you down to their level. Have a vision of the amazing business you're creating and keep working toward it.

This can be an amazing period in your life in which you build the life and business of your dreams. That will be different for every person reading this, but it is possible. Realize how strong you are and stop waiting for permission to do all the things you want to do. Put in the work and keep your mindset strong. You've got this.

Kimanzi Constable

Content Marketing Strategist

Kimanzi Constable is an author of four books and has been published in over 80 publications and magazines. He is the co-founder of Results Global Impact Consulting. He teaches businesses modern content strategies. Join him at RGIC.

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