Innovation - Page 7

Leaders have to stay at the forefront of innovation. Discover innovative trends across technology and strategy that will help you stand apart and lead towards success here.

Growing a Business

She 'Reverse-Engineered' Her First Company's Failure Into a Sober-Curious Brand Making $25 Million a Year

Shizu Okusa ran her first company for eight years but never made enough money. When she founded Apothékary, she knew what she had to do differently.


You Can Fear It and Still Use It — Why Are So Many American Workers Shy About AI?

A recent study has revealed a worrying trend: American workers use artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-enabled tools less than their counterparts in other countries — far less.


I Moved My 80-Person Company to a 4-Day Workweek Even Though It's Against the Industry Norm. Here's Why We'll Never Go Back.

In 2021, TUX co-founders Dominic Tremblay and Ludwig Ciupka decided to find out if they could reinvent the workweek.

Starting a Business

She Started a Side Hustle While Working 2 Jobs as a Line Cook for $22 an Hour Combined — Now It's an 8-Figure Brand You've Probably Seen on TV

Ellen Bennett, founder of kitchenware brand Hedley & Bennett, had a big idea in 2012 — and the "willpower and chutzpah" to bring it to life.

More Posts on Innovation

Side Hustle

I Made Over $400,000 From a Side Hustle on Top of My 6-Figure Salary Last Year. I Love Diversified Income — and This Game-Changing Money-Saver.

When Chisom Okwulehie learned she wouldn't receive a merit-based pay bump during the pandemic, she took matters into her own hands.

Business Culture

6 Ways I've Achieved a Healthy Work-Life Balance as a Business Owner

Don't neglect your health and well-being when you are an entrepreneur.

Life Hacks

How to Advance Your Brain's Efficiency and Automate Mundane Tasks

AI and cognitive automation won't steal your job — they'll make it more interesting. Here's how.


Are You Fully Maximizing AI to Boost Your Productivity and Profits? Implement These 4 Steps in Your AI-Driven Marketing Strategy

Uncover the seldom-spoken truths about AI's role in hyper-accelerating business growth and innovation.

Science & Technology

How to Successfully Implement AI into Your Business — Overcoming Challenges and Building a Future-Ready Team

Here are a few tips on how to navigate the challenges of adopting AI in the workplace and how to leverage AI to maximize your team's effectiveness.


From Stress to Success — 6 Ways to Turn Your Fears into Resilience

Negativity leads to stress, which leads to failure.

Side Hustle

How to Go From Side Hustle to 7-Figure Business and Beyond, According to 3 Women Who Did It

What starts as a way to earn extra cash just might launch you into full-time entrepreneurship — if you're strategic.

Starting a Business

Get Over Imposter Syndrome and These 4 Other Hurdles of Being a New Entrepreneur With Help from Netflix's Co-Founder

Netflix co-founder breaks down five questions that most new entrepreneurs have and what you need to ask yourself to jump through the first stages of creating your own business.

Starting a Business

These Four Words Can Change The Way You Approach Every Impossible Task

When a door closes, this is the question that opens a window.

Science & Technology

This Data Security Consultant Explains Why Businesses Should Embrace Web3 — But Do It Cautiously

As more companies are looking to integrate blockchain technologies into their operations and join the Web3 rally, it is important to understand how to build these applications in a secure way that will protect both customers and data infrastructures.