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Why I'm Shifting to a Four-Day Workweek This Summer And why you should consider it for your company's employees as well.

By Tanya Dalton Edited by Jessica Thomas

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Cecilie_Arcurs | Getty Images

I've always been a fan of closing the office early on Fridays. In fact, my employees have been ending their days at 3 p.m. on Fridays for the past few years. So the decision to close the office on Fridays was by no means a 180° in my thinking as the CEO of inkWELL Press. If anything, I've been intentionally stepping into this workweek model over the years.

Speaking through the lens of a productivity expert, I'm a firm believer that employees can be just as productive (or maybe even more productive!) in four days than in five.

One silver lining the past few months have brought my business and team is clarity — a better understanding as to what is truly important in both our personal and professional lives. We've reengaged with the company's core values, and it's allowed my team to let go of anything extra that does not align with our company mission and vision.

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