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4 Ways to Keep Learning Beyond the Classroom You don't have to get a new degree to expand your knowledge base.

By J.D. Roth

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

"The moment you think you know everything about your business is the moment you lose your competitive edge," says Pat Flynn, a San Diego-based writer who focuses on online entrepreneurship. "Top athletes continue to train and learn in order to improve; a smart entrepreneur does the same."

I know you know that intuitively, but it can be hard to convince yourself that adding to your education is worth the time and money. Often the hang-up is seeing how those new skills can pay off in an existing business--and that's where I believe many small-business owners miss the mark. Learning a new skill can open up completely new avenues of growth and income for you and your business.

Take Lisa Lessley Briscoe. When her kids were old enough, the Portland, Ore., freelance technical writer returned to school at a local university to learn graphic design, taking one class per term. Today her business, Tappity Communications, attracts a wider range of clients.

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