Resumes & Interviewing - Page 7

Trying to navigate the hiring process? Whether you're the employer or the applicant, get the scoop on interviewing skills, resume tools and more, here.

Business Ideas

3 Things Small Business Can Do to Compete with Big Business for Talent

Small businesses can lure talent away from bigger organizations if they do three things that align with what job seekers want.

Business News

Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Laid Off 21,000 Employees. Now It's Reportedly Rehiring Many of Them Who Belong to This Group — Here's Why.

The company's hiring has "quietly picked up in certain areas," according to a recent report.


How to Dress for an Interview: Do's and Don'ts to Impress

Master the do's and don'ts of dressing for an interview. Impress your potential employer and create a lasting first impression with the right interview attire.

Resumes & Interviewing

How to Build an Economy-Proof Team

In any economic climate, building a successful business hinges on having an exceptional team. But what's the best way to find those star players?

More Posts on Resumes & Interviewing

Resumes & Interviewing

Why You Need to Stop Hiring Yourself and Hire for Your Weaknesses Instead

When hiring, it's time to strengthen your self-awareness muscles.

Resumes & Interviewing

Don't Do These 3 Things on LinkedIn. Recruiters Will 'Spot Them From a Mile Off.'

Make sure you're not making these common professional faux pas that can scare off hiring managers before you even land an interview.

Resumes & Interviewing

Are You Guilty of Poor Onboarding? The Consequences Are Worse Than You Think.

The onboarding process has a profound effect on your employee satisfaction, retention and productivity. Harness these actionable strategies to optimize your onboarding process, ensuring a smooth transition for new hires.

Thought Leaders

5 Media Strategies Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

Share your brand's message more effectively by preparing with these strategies ahead of time.

Thought Leaders

Landed Your Dream Job? Here's How to Master the Art of Job Offer Negotiations

Congratulations! You landed the job after a grueling interview process. Typically, a new job is a cause for celebration. But, it can also be stressful considering salary, benefits and more.


4 Attributes To Look For When Hiring Remote Workers

While adoption rates vary by country, industry and company size, the remote working trend continues to gather momentum as more employees demand flexible working arrangements and many organizations recognize the potential benefits, such as increased productivity, reduced overhead costs and access to a larger talent pool.

Resumes & Interviewing

This AI Resume Tool is Only $29.97 So You Can Make Job-Hunting Easier

Expand your growth potential with this back-to-school sale.

Resumes & Interviewing

4 Key Indicators It's Time for You to Hire Your First Employees and Stop Doing Everything Alone

Deciding on the perfect timing to make the shift from solopreneur to team leader can be challenging, but there are certain signs of whether you are prepared or not to take the plunge and recruit staff. Take a look and see if you've reached these milestones and if you should start thinking about hiring outside help.

Resumes & Interviewing

10 Ways to Create a Startup Dream Team

Get tips on how to form an effective founding startup team, focusing on hiring the right culture fits, creating a flexible structure and fostering a feedback-rich environment.

Resumes & Interviewing

Business Should Be Shaken, Not Stirred — Why Top Talent Can Be Found in the Most Unlikely Places

Bartenders can bring healthy experiential diversity that energizes a company.