Business Plans - Page 7

Not sure how to craft your own business plans? Discover all you need to know from small business plans to examples and more.


Free Webinar | December 11: Top 10 Year-End Tax Strategies To Save Yourself Thousands

Register now to master year-end tax planning and unlock thousands in savings for your small business! Secure your spot and let our experts guide you toward financial success.

Business Plans

How to Increase Foot Traffic to Your Retail Store

As online shopping evolves, adaptability and innovation will be the keys to thriving with retail stores.

Side Hustle

How to Know If You're Ready to Leave Your 9-5 and Go All In on Your Side Hustle

If you're considering leaving your 9-5 to go into entrepreneurship full time, this guide will help you learn how to assess your business's profitability, secure a financial cushion, create a strong support network and develop a backup plan so you can take the leap with confidence.

Growing a Business

Ask Marc | Get Free Advice About Your Business From the Co-Founder of Netflix

Get free business advice during our next Ask Marc, live Q&A, on 11/28/23 at 3 p.m. ET. You don't want to miss it—send in your questions now.

More Posts on Business Plans


Learn the One Method Wealthy Franchisees Use to Improve Themselves and Their Business

Wealthy franchisees understand the importance of involvement in every aspect of their business, from marketing to operations and employee management, that's why many use this method.


Free Webinar | November 15: The New Joint Employer Rule Will Hurt Your Franchise, But There Is Still Time To Stop It

Join us on Wednesday, November 15th for a vital webinar on the implications of the impending National Labor Relations Act and guide you on what to know, how to prepare, and how to stop this law from changing the franchise industry. Don't miss this opportunity to stay informed and take action.

Business Ideas

Free Webinar | December 5: How to Capitalize On Your Good Ideas

Stop letting your good ideas go to waste — get the blueprint for transforming ideas into brands with renowned entertainment mogul and entrepreneur, Clinton Sparks. Register now →


Entrepreneur+ Subscribers-Only Event | November 14: Meet the CEO Who Innovated the Way Consumer Brands Interact with Customers

Meet OLIPOP's CEO, Ben Goodwin, as he walks us through his bubbly approach to formulating authenticity and formulating soda. Learn about his journey and gather his insights — so you, too, can create a genuine brand that connects with others.


So You Decided to Become a Franchisee. Here's What Happens Next.

The author of "The Wealthy Franchisee" gives an uncensored account of the highs and lows experienced during those initial days of doing business.


My Company Hears Hundreds of Pitches Every Year — Here's What Investors Are Actually Looking For.

Before you pitch, make sure your numbers are in order. These four things are what investors really want to see — and here's how you can make sure you're picking the right investor for your startup.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Be Generous While Still Being a Frugal Business Owner

You can be charitable and considerate without breaking the bank.

Business Plans

How to Fund Your Business With Angel Investors

Angel investors are individuals who use their own money to back entrepreneurs they believe in.

Business Plans

How to Create a Strategic Hiring Plan

There's no "I" in team. Here are some ways to surround yourself with motivated employees who drive your company to success.

Business Plans

The Basics of Writing a Business Plan

Here's why you need a business plan and everything you need to know to get started writing yours.

Business Plans

How to Effectively Promote Your Business to Customers and Investors

There are many tactics to build awareness and buzz around your brand, and they are all critical components of success.