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What's Your Entrepreneurial Personality Type? Anyone can start a business! The secret is picking a venture that fits your entrepreneurial personality. Here's how to determine yours.

By Bill Wagner

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Does personality matter in becoming a successful entrepreneur? Recent studies say yes, successful entrepreneurs share a number of common personality traits, and these traits are the predominant indicators of their success-outweighing education, family ties, skills and experience. Moreover, people who choose business ventures that are in sync with their true personalities tend to experience the greatest level of success and fulfillment.

Every personality type--and therefore, every person--has the potential to grow a successful business. You just need to determine the right opportunity. Self-awareness guides us in understanding what's needed to bridge the gap between who we are and what the opportunity requires.

Our research shows that most entrepreneurs who reach their goals are often natural leaders and strong problem-solvers, and they work well under pressure. For those who don't have this type of personality--which is most of the population--it is critical to understand the requirements for being a successful entrepreneur. Only then will you be prepared to create the right team for the endeavor. The key to success is selection: You must select an opportunity that suits your personality, then hire or select the right people to surround yourself with.

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