Sherin Shibu: Page 14

Entrepreneur Staff
News Reporter

Sherin Shibu is a business news reporter at She previously worked for PCMag, Business Insider, The Messenger, and ZDNET as a reporter and copyeditor. Her areas of coverage encompass tech, business, strategy, finance, and even space. She is a Columbia University graduate.

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Latest: Page 14

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Tesla Paid No Federal Income Taxes Over 5 Years, While Paying Top Execs $2.5 Billion, According to a New Report

Between 2018 and 2022, more than 30 companies paid its top five executives more than they paid in federal income taxes.

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What Is Your Company's Credit Score? A New AI Startup from Unicorn Founders Wants Businesses to Know Their 'Worth'

The Worth AI team has raised $12 million to help determine a business's "credit score."

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Is TikTok Getting Banned In the U.S.? Here's What We Know So Far

The House passed a bill that could ban TikTok in the country that uses it the most.


¿Van a prohibir TikTok en Estados Unidos? Esto es lo que sabemos hasta ahora

La Cámara de Representantes aprobó una ley que podría prohibir TikTok en el país que más la usa.

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Think Creating an App Will Make You Rich? A New Report Suggests What Works — and What Definitely Doesn't

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Is Your Car Sharing Your Driving Habits With Data Brokers?

A new report found that some drivers face higher insurance rates because of in-depth reports on their driving habits.