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Starting a Business

These 3 Quotes From Jeff Bezos Will Change How You Run Your Business

Maybe you've heard them before. But they still very much resonate.


The One Marketing Principle That'll Save You Thousands of Dollars and Hundreds of Hours

If your marketing efforts don't produce measurable results, or at least aren't on track to, then they may be a waste of time and money.

Starting a Business

This Fun, Flexible Side Hustle Pays $35 an Hour and Gets You Into Exclusive CEO Summits, Music Festivals, and Sports Events

If you want to make money in your downtime, why not do something that feels less like work and more like an adventure?


Zoning Out During Your Commute and Other 'In-Between' Times Is Actually Making You Less Happy

Use these three strategies for making the most of buffer zones like commutes.

Science & Technology

There's a Fine Line Between Using and Over-Relying on AI. Here's the Role Leaders Need to Play.

With any new technology adoption, leaders set the tone that influences its success or failure. Learn about leadership's role when implementing AI into an organization and how to balance efficiency without becoming overreliant.

Starting a Business

7 Ways to Fund Your Startup in 2024

Remember that businesses like Grammarly, Spanx, TOMS shoes, YouTube, and Apple were once small businesses, too. So, while the journey may be challenging, it's worth working for!

Starting a Business

These Are the Best States to Start a Business in 2024, According to a New Report

It pays to be strategic when deciding where to launch your next venture.


5 Reasons Why You Should Speak Up More — Especially If You Are a Younger Employee

If you don't do this early, you'll get a reputation for not doing it at all. It's hard for bosses to value employees who don't do this — so don't wait.

Business News

Couples Are Borrowing This Strategy From Their Corporate Jobs to Make Their Relationships Better — And It's Working

To avoid the costly and emotional toll of a breakup, couples are bringing home this common corporate strategy and applying it to their relationships.

Business Ideas

Dead Weight Expenses Are Costing Your Small Business. Here's What to Watch for — And How to Cut Them

Small businesses in particular can't afford to be poorly investing limited cash.


'Benign Neglect' Is a Parenting Style That Makes Children More Confident, Experts Say — Here's How to Do It Right

When practiced effectively, "benign neglect" can foster happiness and independence, paving the path for a child's long-term success.


Introverts and Extroverts Both Need Solitude to Do Their Best Work. Here's Why — and How to Give it to Them.

How to build a company dynamic in which both introverts and extroverts are provided with opportunities to flourish.


How to Streamline Your Digital Ecosystem and Make Workdays Easier

Emphasizing efficiency in virtual workspaces needs to go beyond tidying up a desktop, and embrace both intuitive data systems and the right collaboration tools.