Emily Reynolds Bergh: Page 3

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Founder at R Public Relations Firm

Emily Reynolds Bergh — vintage-shoe hoarder, cycling junkie, & lover of pink drinks — is a marketing & PR pro with 15+ years of experience under her belt. Now the founder & owner of the award-winning R Public Relations based in New York, she’s been featured in numerous publications & podcasts.

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Latest: Page 3


How to Manage These 6 Different Workplace Personality Types

The ideal of treating all your employees equally doesn't always lead to optimal outcomes. Instead, cater your management style to individual personality types — then watch your staff blossom!

Social Media

Why Is Your Competitor Getting News Coverage When You're Better Than Them? Here are 6 Ways to Outcompete Your Competitor for News Coverage

Here is what you can do to get your own name out there in the media, get a leg up on the competition and regain or maintain sure footing in your industry.


Los 5 jugadores clave que necesitas para dirigir un negocio exitoso

Esta ocupada emprendedora ha descubierto lo que hace que tanto su hogar como su negocio funcionen a la perfección, y no son procesos automatizados ni procedimientos simplificados. Son las personas.

Thought Leaders

The 5 Key Players You Absolutely Need to Run a Successful Business

This busy entrepreneur has figured out what makes both her household and her business hum on all cylinders — and it isn't automated processes or streamlined procedures. It's people.

Growing a Business

5 Surefire Ways to Grow Your Remote Business

Many people dream of having their own business, and today, that dream often extends to doing so remotely. But what does it take to make that dream a reality?


4 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Nightmare Boss (and How to Be a Dream Boss)

Are dream bosses born or made? It's a bit of both. Here's what I learned the hard way that can help you tap into your dream boss potential.