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Business News

Stock Investors: Don't Believe the Doomsayers

August was showing some solid gains before Monday's sell off thanks to the weak Retail Sales report. The overall decline of the S&P 500 (SPY) doesn't...

Business News

Top 12 Stocks for the Rest of 2021

Why do most investors underperform the stock market (SPY)? There are some glaring reasons why. Gladly there are also easy solutions that point to cons...

Business News

The Shadow Stock Market Correction

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If true, then I have 2 pictures and thus 2,000 words to share with you on what is REALLY happening with...

Business News

1 Big Reason Stocks Should Be Soaring Higher

We are entering the heart of earnings season so now is a good time to check in and see how the early reports look and what that means for the stock ma...

Business News

2 Big Reasons to Buy the Dip

The S&P 500 (SPY) has barely buckled. Yet the rest of the market is looking downright ugly (like the nearly 10% decline of the Russell 2000 (IWM). Wha...

Business News

Stock Market Deja Vu

My last two commentaries were spent on the very topic that is unfolding now. That the S&P 500 (SPY) seeming breakout above 4,200 was premature with a likely pullback to follow. And then how the market goes through a normal cycle to wash out excess, which helps store up energy for the next bull leg higher. So for as much as I hate repeating myself, I will need to do a bit of that this week to get your heads properly wrapped around the current market environment. And thus prepared for what lies ahead. Read on below to find out more….