Alternative Health-Care Center

Startup Costs: $100,000 +
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

Do you want to start a business-related alternative to health care, but you lack skills or experience in the industry? You can still be part of the multibillion-dollar booming alternative health-care industry simply by starting an alternative health care center. Start by leasing a large professional office space and subdivide the space into smaller offices for alternative practitioners to lease and, in effect, form an alternative health-care center. Attracting health care practitioners to sublease the smaller individual offices should be no problem, providing you offer services such as a centralized receptionist, parcel shipping, central record keeping and additional services that the practitioners would typically require for the operation of their alternative health-care services. The alternative health-care services housed within the center could include massage therapy, aromatherapy, herbal medicines and any other alternative health-care service that is available.

Alternative Health-Care Center Ideas

Health and Fitness Center

focus on results through affordable and flexible personal training, nutrition planning, competition prep coaching, weight loss, and general fitness guidance.

Medical Braces

Offer the hundreds of types of medical braces to people with injuries.

Vitamin Sales

The current focus on health and anti-aging products makes it the perfect time to capitalize on this market.

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