Drive-Through Laundromat

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

There are drive-through banks, restaurants and photo finishing stores, so why not drive-through laundromats? A drive-through laundromat is not a new business concept; however, recently they've become more popular and a few companies have even begun to franchise their drive-through laundromat businesses. Starting a drive-through laundromat doesn't require a great deal of business experience or knowledge. It does, however, require a good location and a fairly substantial capital investment to establish the business. In terms of a business location, the drive-through laundromat should ideally be established on a busy road, but not one so congested with traffic that entering and exiting is a problem or potentially dangerous. Additional location considerations will also include proximity to potential clients most likely to utilize the service such as universities, police stations, hospitals and industrial business areas. Street visibility, accessibility for walk-in customers, parking and overall building condition and appearance are also important. In addition to providing customers with a drive-through service, also provide a walk-in and laundry drop-off service as well as a free pickup and delivery service. The profit potential for this type of business venture is excellent and can easily exceed $75,000 per year, providing the correct steps have been taken to select the right location as well as promoting the service to its full potential.

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