Personal Branding

Growing a Business

I Recently Rebranded My Entire Company — Here are 12 Strategies I Learned to Take My Brand to the Next Level

Rebrands represent an incredible opportunity for growing brands to ensure their visual identity and overall brand experience accurately reflect their values and positioning.


Social Media Savvy CEOs Are the Ones Impressing Customers. Here's How to Make Yourself (and Your Brand) Memorable.

CEO impact goes beyond the boardroom. Learn how executive visibility affects your brand and why a strong leadership branding strategy is so critical to your bottom line.


Why We Need to Create Brands That Align Our Purpose, Personality and Practice

Now more than ever — because consumers find an irrational amount of meaning in the brands they trust — awakened brands have the ability to change the world.

Growing a Business

If You Want to Make Millions, Ditch Your Polished Pitch and 'Own Your Crazy' Says This Legendary Branding Guru

Phyllis Williams-Strawder, the self-anointed "Ghetto Country Brandmother," shares her unfiltered thoughts on achieving big success by using your authentic voice.


Want to Know the Secret to Closing More Sales? 65% of Consumers Say They Will Buy If Your Company Does This.

Encouraging and supporting your employees in their personal branding efforts is not just a strategy for individual growth, but it's also a forward-thinking business approach to elevate your company in a competitive market.


How to Remove Negative Reviews Online and Protect Your Online Reputation

In the digital age, maintaining a positive online reputation is crucial for businesses, as customer reviews on the internet heavily influence brand perception and purchasing decisions. This article delves into effective strategies for managing both legitimate and fake online reviews, offering insights into crisis management and proactive approaches to uphold and enhance your brand's reputation in the virtual world.

Health & Wellness

You Won't Be a Successful Entrepreneur Until You Adopt These 3 Habits

Being an entrepreneur is a marathon, not a sprint!

Growing a Business

Control the Way People Think About You Using These Secrets From a Publicity Strategist

Ulyses Osuna discusses PR strategies for shaping personal brands and controlling the narrative.


What Damian Lillard Taught Me About Personal Branding

Most entrepreneurs don't realize how valuable their personal brand is. Here's what you can learn from Damian Lillard.

Growth Strategies

Why Personal Branding Needs To Be Profitable (Besides Being Attractive)

If you focus on more than surface appearances, your personal brand will have every opportunity to be profitable, and, by extension, you will be rewarded and recompensed for your product, service, knowledge, and wisdom.

Life Hacks

Specialization is No Longer the Path to Success — This Simple Life Hack Can Boost Your Career and Business

Building a stack of skills personally and across your organization can pay big dividends personally and professionally.

Business Solutions

4 Ways to Build a Strong Online Brand (Despite the Chaos of the Internet)

Building trust and influence in a digital world is an ongoing process, and embracing these trends will help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of personal branding.


Why Being Your Own Influencer Is the Key to Success For Entrepreneurs

Are you showing up as a face in your business? If not, here is why you are missing a major opportunity for brand impact and loyalty and what you can do about it.

Thought Leaders

The Era of Faceless Branding Is Over — Here's Why Modern Brands Fail and Publicity Reigns Supreme in 2024

No longer can a brand hide behind its company logo and expect to thrive.


Are You the Face of Your Business? You Shouldn't Be — These 3 Practices Can Help You Change Your Branding

In a smaller organization, the owner is often the "face" of the business. But while it is flattering to be in demand, being the face of the business is also dangerous. It can impact the owner's ability to grow the business and make it sustainable for the long term.