Brian-Damien Morgan

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Business News

Terraform and Kwon to Pay $4.5 Billion for fraud case result

Terraform Labs PTE, Ltd. and Do Kwon have agreed to pay $4.5 billion to settle the results of a fraud case. According to a statement by the Securities and Exchange...

Business News

Elon Musk's $44.9 billion pay packet is set to be approved by share voters

Outspoken billionaire Elon Musk is having a tense week. Shareholders will decide on his $44.9 billion pay packet today. Many saw the exorbitant $44.9 billion as a gratuitous amount to...

Business News

Realtors Relief Foundation donates $2 million to tornado victims

The National Association of Realtors announced today (June 13) that the Realtors Relief Foundation (RRF) will donate $2 million to tornado victims. Since the tornado in Arkansas, families have been...

Business News

JAG Capital Advisors charged for $3 million fraud damage

JAG Capital Advisors LLC (JAG Advisors) has been hit with charges from a governmental regulatory body for fraudulent activity. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) brought the charges against the...

Business News

Connecticut Governor rejects bill that could provide $3 million in striking worker support

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, in a significant move, rejected the possibility of a $3 million fund that could have been a lifeline for striking workers. The bill, championed by the...

Business News

Paramount owners end takeover saga by walking away from $2.5bn talks

National Amusements, the parent company of storied film and TV giant Paramount, has ended months of talks by walking away from the table. Skydance Media was once thought the best...

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