Taylor Sohns MBA, CIMA®, CFP®

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Business News

Comparing real estate and stock investments

Whether real estate or stocks make better investments has been a hot topic for decades. Both have unique advantages and potential drawbacks and have created substantial wealth for savvy investors....

Business News

Unmasking real influencers of home affordability

The issue of home affordability has become a significant concern in recent years, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The average monthly mortgage payment has dramatically increased, jumping...

Business News

Decoding jobless claims’ impact on stocks

Tomorrow is a big day for the stock market and the overall economic outlook. Bright and early at 8:30 am, the initial jobless claims for the month of May will...

Business News

Bond market’s response to economic downturn

The stock market is reaching new heights, but the bond market seems to be singing a different tune. The question arises whether the bond market is signaling an impending recession....

Business News

Gold’s surge: geopolitics and financial implications

The year 2022 was marked by an extraordinary surge in gold prices, reaching record-breaking highs. It wasn’t just the result of market dynamics or investor sentiment. Instead, it’s deeply rooted...

Business News

Understanding fear in stock market investing

Investing in the stock market can often feel like a high-stakes gamble, particularly for those new to the finance world. The fear of losing money, amplified by the constant stream...

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