Frances Dodds: Page 2

Entrepreneur Staff
Deputy Editor of Entrepreneur

Frances Dodds is Entrepreneur magazine's deputy editor. Before that she was features director for, and a senior editor at DuJour magazine. She's written for Longreads, New York Magazine, Architectural Digest, Us Weekly, Coveteur and more.

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Latest: Page 2

Growing a Business

If You Give People This 'Discovery' — They'll Buy From You Instead of Amazon

Creating a unique retail experience doesn't have to be a big flashy production. We're all just looking for a story that makes us feel good about ourselves.


Cómo convertir los peores rasgos de tu personalidad en fortalezas; te lo dicen 6 fundadores que lo lograron

Todos tenemos mayor cantidad de la necesaria de ciertos rasgos en nuestra personalidad. Pero para estos emprendedores, las características que alguna vez desearon cambiar terminaron convirtiéndose en sus más grandes activos.

Growing a Business

How to Turn Your Worst Personality Traits Into Strengths, From 6 Founders Who Did It

Everyone is told they're "too much" of something. But for these entrepreneurs, the characteristics they once wished they could change ended up becoming their biggest assets.


Cómo ganar hasta $800 dólares al mes visitando negocios locales que te encantan: 'Se ha convertido en parte de mi rutina'

Usar esta aplicación puede ser lo más cercano a una actividad secundaria de 'ingreso pasivo'.

Social Media

How to Make Up to $800 a Month for Visiting Local Businesses You Already Love: 'It's Just Become Part of My Routine'

Using this app may be the closest thing to a true "passive income" side hustle.


'That Job Was Hell': 7 Founders Share Their Worst Boss Horror Stories, and What They Learned From the Lunatics

These entrepreneurs lived through bad boss nightmares, but they got the upper hand in the end.