Steve Reitmeister

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Business News

Bullish or Bearish Stock Set Up?

The S&P 500 (SPY) record highs sounds pretty darn bullish on the surface. Yet as we dig below the surface there are some curious signals that point more Risk Off....

Business News

Stock Alert: Breakout or Fake Out?

The S&P 500 (SPY) officially made new highs this week. Perhaps a reason to celebrate more gains on the way...or perhaps there are signs this move is hollow leading to...

Business News

Are Stocks in a Rolling Correction?

Rolling Corrections are not as bad as bear markets...but can be a very confusing time for investors as it is hard to tell how to position your portfolio to beat...

Business News

More Stock Downside in the Near Term?

Stocks bounced back in May making new all time highs for the S&P 500 (SPY). That celebration didn’t last long as continued inflationary pressures have pushed back the starting date...

Business News

Are Stocks Stuck @ 5,300?

Stocks broke above 5,300 for the S&P 500 about two weeks ago. However, it is becoming harder to make more headway when the future of Fed rate cuts is so...

Business News

Obscure Economic Report Spoils Stock Market

Just as investors were celebrating the good news brought by the NVDA earnings beat...along came news of better than expected economic growth from a typically little followed economic report. Next...

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