Garage Organizers

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Millions of people can no longer fit the car into the garage because of the treasures (junk) that the garage seems to magically collect. This strange, but true force of nature can make you rich. To start your own garage organizer service requires no special skills or equipment other than some basic hand tools. Ideally, you can start close to home by providing the service to family and friends, while building a sound referral base. Home improvement trade shows will also be a valuable source of leads, and a 'before and after' display can generate an enormous amount of interest in your products and services. The display can be designed and built for less than $1,000. The lack of competition in this industry should allow you to mark up your products such as shelving and storage cabinets by at least 40 to 50 percent, while maintaining an hourly rate for installations in the range of $25 to $30.

Garage Organizers Ideas

Interior Design

Play with colors, shapes, lighting and fabrics. Design creative indoor spaces that fit your clients' needs.

Remodeling Project Management

Coordinate all the different people and companies involved in a remodeling project to keep homeowners happy.

Roof Repair

Not afraid of heights? Help homeowners fix their roofs.

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