
Business News

Airbnb Host Battles Nightmare Guest Squatters Who Refuse to Leave After 8 Months, Say They're 'Legal Residents'

The home's owner told a local outlet that she started her Airbnb side hustle to help pay her kid's college tuition.

Business News

These Are the 10 Most Profitable Cities for Airbnb Hosts, According to a New Report

Here's where Airbnb property owners and hosts are making the most money.


Los nuevos 'Íconos' de Airbnb cuestan menos de $100 dólares por noche e incluyen la casa de 'Up' y 'Purple Rain' de Prince

Lo sentimos, anfitriones, aquí tienen un vistazo a las nuevas opciones de la competencia.

Business News

I Made $1.4 Million in Profit Last Year as an Airbnb Superhost Working Just 2 Hours a Week. Here's How I Set Up and Grew My Business.

I started my business in 2017, and in 2023, we made $11.5 million in revenue and $1.4 million in net profit.

Business News

Airbnb Bans Security Cameras Indoors Worldwide

The short-term rental giant announced Monday that it is banning indoor cameras effective April 30.

Starting a Business

She Bought 9 Properties and Became an Airbnb Super Host. Here's How She Scaled Her Side Hustle While Keeping Her Full-Time Job.

Q&A with an Airbnb Super Host who shares her best secrets to help you scale.

Business News

A Self-Described Real Estate Visionary Was Charged with Running an Airbnb Scam that Made Millions By Tricking Guests Into Booking Non-Existent Properties

The "double-booking-bait-and-switch scheme" occurred between January 2018 and November 2019, according to the indictment.

Business News

Airbnb to Pay $10 Million Fine After Charging Australian Customers in U.S. Dollars

Airbnb admitted to falsely representing its prices to Australian customers.

Real Estate

This Couple Started Renting Rooms in Their House As a Side Hustle. Now They Run 11 Airbnb Units Full Time.

In the new book, "Start Your Own Airbnb Business," Airbnb Superhosts share how they have grown lucrative rental businesses.

Real Estate

Airbnb Experienced a Major Blow in New York. Inside the New 'Black Market' That Has Emerged Because of It.

Tightening regulations on short-term rentals in NYC has led to a shadow market for Airbnb alternatives.

Real Estate

People Are Making Tons of Money With Airbnb and They Don't Even Own Property. Here's How.

The new book, "Start Your Own Airbnb Business," outlines the concept of rental home arbitrage.

Real Estate

Find Out How Much Extra Money You Can Make With Unused Spaces in Your Home Using Airbnb

The new book "Start Your Own Airbnb Business" explains how to tap the monetary potential of extra rooms and secondary properties.

Business News

A Town That Became 'One Giant Airbnb' Is Now Facing a Reckoning

Before the pandemic, there were about 400 properties for rent in the area. Now, there are 2,400.